Tuesday, September 29


P.S I LOVE YOU DVD already sold out in Malaysia I think!I could not found every CD shop man!Somemore wing wai's high school junior the whose Father is ROCK CORNER 's boss also not restockable again; he said it's good-selling already sold out on last year! But he can help us to import one from America for 90 bux .damn shit!I so wondering why his father don't want to order more to sell..?so that we no need to pay so much.
Anyway..I will not buy a DVD for 90 bux okay!there enough me to buy a nice dress from butik @ Bangsa Telawi street !a Roxy slipper !a Chanel liquate eyeliner.Add some money I could buy a ALDO handbag!
Download from internet will better than that right!rm90 really so suck!

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